W. Don Orkoskey
Pittsburgh Photographer Don Orkoskey
I'm Don Orkoskey, a professional nature photographer, artist, designer, and photography teacher. I'm passionate about our natural world, the systems that allow it to sustain life, and every being that calls it home. I'm committed to documenting our wonderful world and any man-made challenges that seek to upset the delicate balance we require to enjoy life upon it.
I want to understand the natural and man-made systems that surround us and affect ours and the planet's future. This is the focus of much of my nature photography and my art work. I believe by examining and better understanding these systems we can more live more creatively and in harmony with our world.
I am fascinated with our world and how it works. I love sharing my fascination and the things that I've learned, the skills I've mastered including photography and visual communication. I see teaching as a multidimensional process where I can not only share knowledge but can hear and experience other points of view that keep my understanding growing. View a list of all of my current classes here.
I currently teach photography, videography, storytelling, art making, & more.
Contact me to hire me, talk about collaboration, or even just to leave a few friendly words. Chances are good that we can find a way to help each other out. If not now, in the near future. Connections welcome!
Social Media
I'm a neurodivergent person.
That means my brain functions differently. At least, different from neurotypical brains. Some say people like me are more creative, better at problem solving, and able to think about the big picture and see it differently. I suppose so.
However it's a real struggle sometimes. For decades I've been told to bottle up my authentic self. I've been told to mask who I am. Now I'm learning to undo that. I'm learning how to express my authentic self.
I am who I am. Because of this I'm learning to love myself. This is a systems that I'm actively working to deconstruct and rebuild.
Unf**k the world
Contact Me
Question Everything.
Question everything but especially the systems that confine us and define our world. Inspect the systems we've made. Interrogate the systems powerful people make. Explore natural systems. Learn how systems work.
Too, challenge and deconstruct systems that harm you and those you love. Disrupt and corrupt systems which harm others. Stop the damage to those without agency. Seek justice for those who harm the world.
We have the power, it is within us. Because understanding how these systems work help us to dismantle them. Too, it allows us to adjust our roles in order to create better systems.
Question everything because that is how we will build a better world.
Latest Blog Posts
Turn The Tables: The Monumental Need To Save DEI Programs
DEI programs are vital to more people than you’re likely thinking they are. Therefore, we need to save DEI programs for everyone’s benefit.
Uncommonly Beautiful Red-headed Woodpeckers Just Arrived in Pittsburgh
A rarely seen pair of beautiful red-headed woodpeckers have moved to North Park near Pittsburgh and they appear to be preparing to stay.
How To Make Incredible Fine Art Nature Photography
Take your nature photography to the next level with this guide to making incredible fine art nature photography.
You Need To See My Creepy Gothic Bird Photos
These creepy gothic bird photos make the perfect addition to your home decor for Halloween and year round. Check them out now!
The Wonders of Nature: Wildlife Photographer of the Year Contest
Don’t miss the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Contest. This prestigious competition celebrates the beauty of wildlife and promotes conservation.
How to save thousands of dollars when photographing wildlife
Here is how to save thousands of dollars photographing wildlife without scaring the wildlife just by wearing camo.
I hope that my work inspires you; that you will begin to ask questions about the systems that impact all of us. At a minimum I hope you'll think about the systems that impact you. You are surrounded by systems you've build intentionally as well as through unconscious means. Additionally you're impacted by systems that others have created. Many of those systems were not created with your needs being considered.
I hope that you will begin to examine those systems and ask if they're healthy or if they need to be changed and will put forth the work to change them. When we come together we can accomplish great things. Together we can both topple tyrants and build healthy communities.
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