Orkoskey Nature Photography Blog
Welcome to the Orkoskey Nature Photography Blog. Here you'll find articles I've write mostly about a lot of stuff, including nature photography, other types of photography, ecological issues, social issues, fine art, design, and more. Oh I also write warnings about some truly terrible companies. Does this all relate to nature photography? No, maybe not, but I need some place to put some of it so here it is. Enjoy!
For questions, comments, or complaints write to me via the contact page.
Latest Posts

Building More Economically Resilient Communities
July 21, 2021: Pittsburgh photographer and designer Don Orkoskey talks about building more economically resilient communities through better design.

Design Challenge: Reducing Piles of Laundry in the Bedroom
August 18, 2017: Pittsburgh photographer and designer Don Orkoskey discusses his design challenge: reducing piles of laundry in the bedroom.

Designing Weight Loss: Limiting Factors
June 25, 2017: Pittsburgh photographer and designer Don Orkoskey discusses designing weight loss: limiting factors that he faced when losing weight.

Weight Loss As A Design Challenge
June 21, 2017: Pittsburgh photographer and designer Don Orkoskey talks about weight loss as a design challenge. Don lost over 100lbs in 1 year.
Calculating the Citizen Offset Cost Savings of Cities Such As Pittsburgh
May 10, 2017: Pittsburgh photographer and designer Don Orkoskey talks about calculating the citizen offset cost savings of cities such as Pittsburgh.

The Milk Bottle is Half Full
May 10, 2017: You might say that I’m a milk bottle is half full sort of person.
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