Orkoskey Nature Photography Blog
Welcome to the Orkoskey Nature Photography Blog. Here you'll find articles I've write mostly about a lot of stuff, including nature photography, other types of photography, ecological issues, social issues, fine art, design, and more. Oh I also write warnings about some truly terrible companies. Does this all relate to nature photography? No, maybe not, but I need some place to put some of it so here it is. Enjoy!
For questions, comments, or complaints write to me via the contact page.
Latest Posts
Battery Free Power Storage Challenge
December 28, 2012: Our Natural House If you are a regular reader you know my wife and I are building a natural building out of straw-bales, earthen plasters, and sustainable harvested woods. The latest rendering of the house looks something like the image below. We’re planning to do grid-tied solar power because we feel obligated to not only use the sun to power
House update – Jan 2012
January 16, 2012: Don Orkoskey gives his periodic House update – Jan 2012. Don is building a natural home near Pittsburgh, PA.
Pittsburgh Cob Home Building Update
August 16, 2011: Another Pittsburgh cob home building update from designer Don Orkoskey who is planning to build a natural home in Pittsburgh, PA.
Cob Building Missed-Adventures
July 21, 2011: Don Orkoskey details his cob building missed-adventures on his journey to meet more natural home builders in the Pittsburgh area.
Tracking Mobile Searches in Google Analytics
May 1, 2011: Designer Don Orkoskey talks about tracking mobile searches in Google Analytics. More website visitors are using smartphone, be ready!
Know Your Market
February 16, 2011: Designer Don Orkoskey talks about using Google Insights to get to know your market and how doing so can help you market your business.
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