Orkoskey Nature Photography Blog
Welcome to the Orkoskey Nature Photography Blog. Here you'll find articles I've write mostly about a lot of stuff, including nature photography, other types of photography, ecological issues, social issues, fine art, design, and more. Oh I also write warnings about some truly terrible companies. Does this all relate to nature photography? No, maybe not, but I need some place to put some of it so here it is. Enjoy!
For questions, comments, or complaints write to me via the contact page.
Latest Posts

Fall 2014 Straw Bale House Update
November 24, 2014: Pittsburgh photographer and designer provides his fall 2014 straw bale house update on the natural home he’s designing.

Hillside Hugelkultur Revisited
February 27, 2014: Hillside Hugelkultur Revisited by Pittsburgh photographer and permaculture designer Don Orkoskey shows what 6 months of natural erosion looks like.

Summer 2013 straw bale house building update
August 23, 2013: Pittsburgh photographer and designer Don Orkoskey provides a summer 2013 straw bale house building update, a periodic check in on the project.

Straw Bale Workshop
May 27, 2013: Pittsburgh photographer and designer Don Orkoskey recaps his experience at a Strawbale.com Straw Bale Workshop in West Virginia.

Western PA Permaculture Crop List
March 6, 2013: Pittsburgh photographer and designer talks about the plants that will be a part of his property in his western PA permaculture crop list.

Natural Building Progress
January 22, 2013: Pittsburgh photographer and designer Don Orkoskey talks about the natural building progress on his straw bale house project.

Straw Bale & Cob House An’at
January 19, 2013: Pittsburgh photographer and designer Don Orkoskey talks about his straw bale and cob house he plans to build near Pittsburgh.

Battery Free Power Storage Challenge
December 28, 2012: Our Natural House If you are a regular reader you know my wife and I are building a natural building out of straw-bales, earthen plasters, and sustainable harvested woods. The latest rendering of the house looks something like the image below. We’re planning to do grid-tied solar power because we feel obligated to not only use the sun to power

House update – Jan 2012
January 16, 2012: Don Orkoskey gives his periodic House update – Jan 2012. Don is building a natural home near Pittsburgh, PA.

The Amazing Benefits of Wattle Fences
December 6, 2011: Don Orkoskey talks about the amazing benefits of wattle fences. Both sustainable, and beautiful these are truly incredible antient tech.

Cob and Straw Bale Building in WV: Montani Semper Liberi
October 6, 2011: Designer Don Orkoskey talks about cob and straw bale building in WV where he visited one natural building and helped build another.

Cob House Progress
September 6, 2011: A cob house progress report from photographer and designer Don Orkoskey who is planning a natural home build in Pittsburgh, PA.
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